Yes! Vi behöver fler förbud här i Sverige! Förbudens förlovade land!!!
Förbjud folk att vara nakna i lägenheter och hus med fönster...en fönstertittare kan faktiskt bli
förnärmad! Förbjud även förtäring av mat på offentlig plats, bantare kan bli kränkta! Usch det luktar sååå illa med cigarettrök...förbjud surströmming, bajs och svettiga joggare, NU!
fredag 25 september 2009
onsdag 16 september 2009
U.S.A. är ett U-land
Nu har de alltså misslyckats med att döda en fånge. I två och en halv timme satt bödeln och mekade med nålen i den dödsdömdes arm... dödsstraff är ju så inihelvete medeltida, mognadsmässigt är USA ett riktigt u-land, och varför? Jo för att hela landet styrs av kristna och med kristna värderingar. Dags att yo mama Obama tar och lägger ner det här nu.
Nu har de alltså misslyckats med att döda en fånge. I två och en halv timme satt bödeln och mekade med nålen i den dödsdömdes arm... dödsstraff är ju så inihelvete medeltida, mognadsmässigt är USA ett riktigt u-land, och varför? Jo för att hela landet styrs av kristna och med kristna värderingar. Dags att yo mama Obama tar och lägger ner det här nu.
tisdag 15 september 2009
Mehdi Ghezali

Mehdi Ghezali...veckans IQ=badboll. "Jag vet, jag är terrormisstänkt men fan, jag tror jag drar på lite vacation med mina terrormisstänkta polare med ett oskyldigt litet barn i famnen...finns inte en chans att vi blir misstänkta för nåt...särskilt inte i PAKISTAN!!!" Allvarligt Mehdi, bara mesar och svaga människor är religiösa, starka människor litar till sin EGEN förmåga. Du måste kirra en annan hobby än Islamsk Extremism... pingis kanske?
onsdag 2 september 2009
Cheesus fucking christ
Ragnar...ojojoj. Det var det absolut mest korkade jag hört talas om. Mamma Pappa Barn, Pappa Pappa Barn, Mamma Mamma Barn, Pappa Barn, Mamma Barn, Pappa Amma Barn? Nä nu jävlar! Så inihelvete vidrigt...
Ragnar...ojojoj. Det var det absolut mest korkade jag hört talas om. Mamma Pappa Barn, Pappa Pappa Barn, Mamma Mamma Barn, Pappa Barn, Mamma Barn, Pappa Amma Barn? Nä nu jävlar! Så inihelvete vidrigt...
tisdag 1 september 2009
Plenty of's one more
Ahmadinejad's Imam: Islam Allows Raping, Torturing Prisoners
Mesbah-Yazdi appearantly likes rape...
" Can an interrogator rape the prisoner in order to obtain a confession?" was the follow-up question posed to the Islamic cleric.
Mesbah-Yazdi answered: "The necessary precaution is for the interrogator to perform a ritual washing first and say prayers while raping the prisoner. If the prisoner is female, it is permissible to rape through the vagina or anus. It is better not to have a witness present. If it is a male prisoner, then it's acceptable for someone else to watch while the rape is committed."
This reply, and reports of the rape of teen male prisoners in Iranian jails, may have prompted the following question: "Is the rape of men and young boys considered sodomy?" One aspect of these permitted rapes troubled certain questioners.
Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi: "No, because it is not consensual. Of course, if the prisoner is aroused and enjoys the rape, then caution must be taken not to repeat the rape."
A related issue, in the eyes of the questioners, was the rape of virgin female prisoners. In this instance, Mesbah-Yazdi went beyond the permissibility issue and described the Allah-sanctioned rewards accorded the rapist-in-the-name-of-Islam:
"If the judgment for the [female] prisoner is execution, then rape before execution brings the interrogator a spiritual reward equivalent to making the mandated Haj pilgrimage [to Mecca], but if there is no execution decreed, then the reward would be equivalent to making a pilgrimage to [the Shi'ite holy city of] Karbala."
One aspect of these permitted rapes troubled certain questioners: "What if the female prisoner gets pregnant? Is the child considered illegitimate?"
Mesbah-Yazdi answered: "The child borne to any weakling [a denigrating term for women - ed.] who is against the Supreme Leader is considered illegitimate, be it a result of rape by her interrogator or through intercourse with her husband, according to the written word in the Koran. However, if the child is raised by the jailer, then the child is considered a legitimate Shi'a Muslim."
Not only are extreme muslims idiots, they are also bisexual rapists... please let them get Ebola NOW! Right after being raped by a rhino!
Ahmadinejad's Imam: Islam Allows Raping, Torturing Prisoners
Mesbah-Yazdi appearantly likes rape...
" Can an interrogator rape the prisoner in order to obtain a confession?" was the follow-up question posed to the Islamic cleric.
Mesbah-Yazdi answered: "The necessary precaution is for the interrogator to perform a ritual washing first and say prayers while raping the prisoner. If the prisoner is female, it is permissible to rape through the vagina or anus. It is better not to have a witness present. If it is a male prisoner, then it's acceptable for someone else to watch while the rape is committed."
This reply, and reports of the rape of teen male prisoners in Iranian jails, may have prompted the following question: "Is the rape of men and young boys considered sodomy?" One aspect of these permitted rapes troubled certain questioners.
Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi: "No, because it is not consensual. Of course, if the prisoner is aroused and enjoys the rape, then caution must be taken not to repeat the rape."
A related issue, in the eyes of the questioners, was the rape of virgin female prisoners. In this instance, Mesbah-Yazdi went beyond the permissibility issue and described the Allah-sanctioned rewards accorded the rapist-in-the-name-of-Islam:
"If the judgment for the [female] prisoner is execution, then rape before execution brings the interrogator a spiritual reward equivalent to making the mandated Haj pilgrimage [to Mecca], but if there is no execution decreed, then the reward would be equivalent to making a pilgrimage to [the Shi'ite holy city of] Karbala."
One aspect of these permitted rapes troubled certain questioners: "What if the female prisoner gets pregnant? Is the child considered illegitimate?"
Mesbah-Yazdi answered: "The child borne to any weakling [a denigrating term for women - ed.] who is against the Supreme Leader is considered illegitimate, be it a result of rape by her interrogator or through intercourse with her husband, according to the written word in the Koran. However, if the child is raised by the jailer, then the child is considered a legitimate Shi'a Muslim."
Not only are extreme muslims idiots, they are also bisexual rapists... please let them get Ebola NOW! Right after being raped by a rhino!
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